
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

litracey writing week 11

this week for writing Mrs Earl our principal read a book to us called the word collecter then she started to write a story with an adverbrial phrase, repitition and rhetorical question in the story the adverbrial phrase is discribing what time of day it is for exsample as the sun faded away.  now I am going to tell you what repitition is repitition is were you repeat some thing a few times for exsample why did he not listen to his mum why did he not pay atention then you could do a few more starting with why did he not. What is a rhetorical question, a rhetorical question is when you ask a question but you dont answer it for exsample would he get out of this nightmare? while she was writing the story she showed us this thing called the shade o meter the shade o meter makes plain words become more interesting for exsample sat we came up with words like spralwed stretch lounge and more then we would pick a word and put it in the story. After the story Mrs Earl showed us the a volcabluray vault it is wear we put all are words we collect. After that she had a task for my writing class that we had to write a 9 sentance narrative about a sertane picture.

here is my 9 sentance story.(the high lighted words are the three things that I talked about)(my story might be over 9 sentance's I hope you lie my story)

Seal Pup
As the sky started to fill with darkness,  Pup and his mum were walking to their sleeping spot. On the way there Pup got distracted by a white fox he started to follow the white fox  then after a while pup got lost. Pup started to look around and started to feel worried about being all alone with know one around to help him. He was very scared. He was worried he would not get back to his mum. He was worried he would be alone forever. Then he sprawled on the ice and cried and thought about how to get back to his mum and how he got lost. Why did he not listen to his mum, why did he not pay attention, why did he go away from his mum. How would he get out of this problem?

if you had to write a 9 sentance story about the seal pup what would your adverbrial phrase, rhepitition and retorical question be?

Friday, June 12, 2020

rounding numbers

this week for Maths my learning goal is : round whole numbers to the nearest 10,100,1000 I did there posters here are my posters of my work.(I posted this late so this maths was nit for this week)

hope you like my work. did you already know this strategy?

narrative writing

this for writing we had to write a short narrative. We could pick out of these options left behind,mirror in the attic,lightning never strikes twice and the creature from the deep. I chose left be hind here is my short narrative.
Left behind
“Where are we going, pilot James” questioned Jessica “we are going on my flying ship to go to somewhere magical” answered pilot James “OK” replied Jessica. Once we got on the flying ship we set sail to the magical place Pilot James was talking about.

When we made it to the magical place we landed on the green grass with hills surrounding it. “I thought you said magic” Jessica asked pilot James in confusion pilot James replied “I did but I guess I was wrong”. When we started walking around we saw black and grey birds flying through the sky but there were no houses in sight.

At the end of our trip pilot James was getting the flying ship ready for us to go back home. Then Jessica got distracted by a shadowy figure. She followed the shadow until it stopped, she leaped out from behind it and it was a person she asked him what he was doing here he said “I was following you from the start then you noticed me so I had to run” after that she headed back to the place where pilot James was.

When she headed back to pilot James she was looking for his ship but she couldn’t see it. Then she realised it was up in the sky and yelled “hey come back pilot James you left me behind” but he didn’t listen so she was thinking for a minute of how to get back. Then she got an idea she made a fire and waited for someone to notice it. Then a plane flew over top of her and turned around to land. When the plane landed it opened the door and a man walked out and told me to come in. When she got back she said thank you to the pilot and saw pilot James standing on the doc in front of his ship. He is in for a treat!

did you like my story. what narrative topic would you write about?